Annual Report 2022/2023

Annual Report 2022/2023 page list

  • This section of the annual report will cover: welcome from the Chair and Chief Executive, Trust purpose, about the Trust, our work, our strategic aims and objectives, and the LCHS way.

  • This section of the Annual Report will cover an overview, LCHS 2022/23 key facts and figures, financial performance, highlights of the year, summary of LCHS structure and the services provided, challenges facing healthcare in Lincolnshire, Long Term Plan priorities and quality summary of performance.

  • This section of the annual report will cover: Scope of responsibilities and the risk and control framework, Freedom to speak up, system working and partnerships, review of economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of the use of resources, Directors’ Report - Composition of the Board of Directors, review of effectiveness and scope of responsibility.

  • This section of the annual report will cover: Board members and senior management remuneration (subject to audit), salaries and allowances for the year ending 31 March 2023 (subject to audit), salaries and allowances for the year ending 31 March 2022 (subject to audit), pension benefits for the year ending 31 March 2023 (subject to audit), pension benefits for the year ending 31 March 2022 (subject to audit), NHS Pensions Data, Cash Equivalent Transfer Values, Real Increase in CETV, relationship between the remuneration report and exit packages, severance payments and off-payroll engagements disclosures, remuneration policy for directors and senior managers, compensation on early retirement or for loss of office, payments to past directors, fair pay disclosure (subject to audit), sharing of senior members of staff, exit packages (subject to audit), off-payroll engagements (subject to audit), expenditure on consultancy and staff report.

  • This section of the annual report will cover the financial statements for 2022/2023.